#Repost @theambitionplan
Always! 😫😭😭
Seriously though, saying ‘no’ to things that look good on paper but won’t lead you to the outcome you want is one of the hardest things to do. The best way to stay on course and avoid distractions is to:
1. Get crystal clear on your end goal – define what success will look and feel like when you achieve it
2. Write that shit down – if you don’t, you will convince yourself you want something else when the going gets tough
3. Find someone who will call you out if you start doing things that contradict what you say you want.
That’s it! 😘
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#Repost @theambitionplan
So relax a little and enjoy the ride a little.
📷 unknown
#deepquotes #dreamersanddoers #lifethoughts #positivethoughts #truthbomb #theambitionplan #fempire #lifegoals #womeninspiringwomen #livewithpurpose #wordstoliveby #theuniversehasyourback #femaleentrepreneur #shemeansbusiness #femalefounders #careeradvice #changeyourthoughts #inspiringwomen #liveboldly #girltalk #femaleempowerment #femalementors #liveconfidently #empoweringquotes #mentorship #girlpreneur #thebossbabesociete